Selasa, 22 November 2011

Bukittinggi, an attractive city

Bukittinggi is a small town in Indonesia, located in the province of West Sumatra. The city is well-liked tourists as a major tourist destination in Indonesia. Bukittinggi is also often used as a place for meetings and conferences of national and international level. The town is famous for its natural beauty, very nice place to visit.

Tourism object

1.        A Big Clock (Jam Gadang)

From the tower Clock Tower, the tourists can see the panorama of the city of Bukittinggi is composed of hills, valleys and buildings lined up in the middle of town to be missed.

2.       Palace Bung Hatta.

This building is located in the center of Bukittinggi, exactly in front of the Big Clock.

3.       Kinantan Zoo

This tourist attraction is the oldest zoo in Indonesia. In the  middle of tourist sites have shaped the Cultural Museum of Minangkabau traditional house, the Museum of Zoology and children's playground.

4.      Fort De Kock

A military fort was established in 1825. From this place we can remove the view with a charming view of the canyon Sianok, Singgalang Mountain, Mount Merapi. Mountain and Mount Sago Pasaman.

5.       Bridge Limpapeh

This bridge connects the zoo Kinantan the fortress Fort de Kock.

6.      Lobang Jepang

The tunnel is 1,400 meters in length over the winding is made by Japanese soldiers during the period of 1942, is located in the middle of the garden panorama, with a width of over 2 meters.

7.       Canyon Sianok

Sianok canyon is a beautiful valley, green and fertile, in essentially a tributary flowing sinuous trace the crevices of the cliffs with a colorful backdrop of Mount Merapi and Mount Singgalang verdant, natural really fascinating.

8.      Janjang Ampek Puluah

This Jenjang  was built in 1908 which was originally as a liaison between the Pasar Atas with Pasar Bawah.

9.      Memorial Park Bung Hatta
This park is located in the center of Bukittinggi besides Bung Hatta Palace, built to commemorate a century of Bung Hatta was born August 12, 2002.

10.    Panorama park

From the garden we enjoy the beautiful scenery and fascinating, especially towards the canyon Sianok. At this location there are souvenir stalls Minangkabau, food and drink stalls, permanent seating, parking and other facilities.

11.     Museums Struggle Tridaya Eka Dharma

Eka Dharma Tridaya Struggle Museum is located right in front of Japanese Cave area attractions.

12.    Library Bung Hatta


1.        The Hills Bukittinggi Hotel****

2.       Pusako Hotel****
3.       Royal Denai Hotel***
4.      Campago Hotel***
5.       Grand Malindo**
6.      Dymens Hotel Internasional*
7.       Lima’s Hotel*
8.      Benteng Hotel*
9.      Bagindo Hotel*
10.    Kharisma Hotel*


1.       Rendang

2.       Dendeng Batokok

3.       Gulai Ayam Nenas

4.       Goreng Baluik Balado

5.       Gulai Kalio

6.       Gulai Kapalo Lauak

7.       Bika Si Mariana

8.       Keripik Sanjai

9.       Karak Kaliang

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